सर्वोपरि क्षत्र है, सहस्त्र कोटि लिप्त ज्ञान। अंतहीन अविरत है, संसार से बृहदद ज्ञान। सुगम प्राप्ति निषेध है, करुणापूर्वक अनुसंधान ज्ञान। काल विसंगत अनाश्रित है, विषिष्ट आचरण चित्र ज्ञान।
चार कदम – based on a true story
A few days back, I, with my teammates planned to visit Govardhan for a holy visit. We walked around the mountain (परिक्रमा). It was fun filled but tiring barefoot 23 Kms walk, it challenged our will but we tried out best to over come the fear and finished it. चार कदम चल दिए, सोचा अब पर्वत […]
Facing the challanges of life
हर रोज़ की चुनौतियों से लड़ना पसंद करता हूँ, मैं सूर्य हूँ आसमाँ का, मैं बढ़ना पसंद करता हूँ। न रोक सकी ये बंदिशें, न रोक सका ज़माना, न रोक सके दुनिया के लोग, अब लिख रहा हूँ ये फसाना। हर रोज़ की चुनौतियों से लड़ना पसंद करता हूँ, मैं मशाल की एक लौ हूँ, […]
Why can’t you write your own story?
I have just begun with writing blogs. For fun, for utilising my time that I otherwise spend wasting and to tell the world, how I feel about things and happenings around me. But what I realised this morning is very strange and left me thinking for quiet sometime.
Secrets of Shanka – Male rape a reality to know about
Readers discretion, contains harsh and adult content. Not intended for audience under the age of 18 years. Readers below 18 years of age to kindly discontinue reading this article.
The cute girl I could never talk
The age when I couldn’t control my pee, there is a cute girl in my class who I love to see Even when I couldn’t tie my lace, I loved to see her pretty face One day she stopped coming to school, I felt bad and sobbed like a fool I wished with my child brain, […]
वाट्स एप्प और फेसबुक पर आने वाले पोस्ट्स का सत्य जानिए
इन दिनों व्हाट्सएप और फेसबुक काफी प्रचलन में है। हर कोई फेसबुक पर और व्हाट्सएप्प पर पोस्ट्स पढ़ना व अपने मित्रों के साथ शेयर करना पसंद करते है। पर क्या आप कभी सोचते हैं की जो पोस्ट्स आप पढ़ रहे हैं और शेयर कर रहे हैं उनके पीछे कितना सत्य छिपा है।
How to live and feel luxurious?
You do not need to be rich to feel the luxury. People always want to live a luxurious life. A mere survival is not for us humans, we want to live it to the fullest. there is nothing wrong in it, in fact this is what separates us from other organisms, we try to live […]
Priorities and Work
What goes in your mind when you sit on your work desk, taking a short break, looking outside the window…? What is that question you ask yourself all the time? What is it that bugs you even in the most busiest days at your office? That my friend is your actual priority…
Priorities in a relationship
Majority of us take our parents for granted, we know they are not going to go away from us even if we take them for granted. But what would you do if your father calls you in the middle of an important call… and his call goes waiting.. what would you do? A few would […]